Ndeya Berryman
Ndeya Berryman, out of the Bay AreaCalifornia, startes Waistbeads by Ndeya with the purpose of enhancing women's lives. Her intentions for making waistbeads are to help increase women's consciousness and confidence.
In some African cultures, women wear beads as a means of maintaining their figure. While wearing waistbeads, women are always conscious of their size.
A women cannot unknowingly put on 5-10 ibs without feeling it in her waistbeads first. When she starts to shed pounds and inches, she notices immediatly because the waistbeads feel joyously looser.
Waistbeads are awesome motivators. Waistbeads also make a women feel good about themselves and more comfortable in their own skin. They are a sexy secret underneath her clothes, like sexy lingerie. Waistbeads are a fantastic self-esteem booster, especially when standing bare in front of a mirror. Waistbeads give women a sense of increased self-worth as they adorn their beautiful body with jewelry.
Ndeya handcrafts all waistbeads with love and positive intent. She works closely with her clients to create their special, one-of -a-kind waistbeads. She enjoys imparting her creative energy and efforts towards enhancing and uplifting womens lives.